
About Us

Artur and Nina Smith live in the English town of Houghton Regis with their two young children. Like many families with young ones, they struggled with keeping on top of the clutter and organising things around the house.


They wanted to find storage solutions that were stylish and yet fun – options that would turn tidy-up time into a game not a chore.


Having sourced and designed a range of products that helped them to regain a calm and cosy atmosphere in their home, they decided to create the Froppi brand, and share their findings with others who find themselves overwhelmed by clutter.

Froppi is a British company, with products that are always good value for money, combining an element of stylish design with the best possible materials and finishes.


As Artur says “With the help of Froppi you can get on top of the clutter in every room. Our products are designed to make organising and using all kinds of things convenient and easy.


British people are known to be houseproud and to crave a cosy environment, and we want to help with that, by providing hints and tips on our website, but also by offering simple and affordable storage solutions, so that everything will have its allotted place. 


Your treasured possessions can be protected from dust and will be well-laid out, ready to use again.”

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